Friday 29 August 2008

Suicide Is Tangy

I'm back after a seriously lengthly absence, and have a lot to report, and a lot of excuses to make. But there will be time for that later. For now, enjoy my Doritos advert, which I finally found the time to upload. Call it a spiritual sequel to my 'Day That Shook The World' title sequence.

First, a brief history of this unit: Once upon a time there was a brand of corn snack called 'Doritos'. One day, the cats in charge realised that their marketing department was retarded. So they launched a competition on the back of Doritos packets, for members of the public to design the new TV campaign. Naturally there were thousands of volunteers, but for the students on my course it was mandatory. You can imagine the uproar this caused. Many were thinking "I pay thousands of pounds to study for a degree which finds its briefs on the back of crisp packets?!?" Insulting as that may have been, I decided that my dignity was more important to me than the £20,000 prize money. So what I have produced reflects my feelings on this unit, and Doritos in general.

With that in mind, enjoy!